Full refurbished Genesis GDP900R, 3rd member bracket, all hydraulic components inspected and resealed, all NEW wear parts/blades installed, upper & lower jaws built up to NEW spec with protective hard...
10,000 # XP Series Mobile Shear w/ 360 degree rotation., Genesis total factory rebuild to NEW spec w/ Jaw Armor anti abrasion protection., 3rd member/stick mount on Cat 350 excavator. Can also be re-...
15,000 lb XP series Mobile Shear w/ 360 degree rotation. MAXX series for severe duty processing. Bracket for Cat 330/336 or Komatsu PC300/360 mount. Will also fit to other 30 ton class excavators. -0-...
15,000 lb XP series Mobile Shear w/ 360 degree rotation. MAXX series for severe duty processing., Completely refurbished shear w/ Upper and Lower built up to NEW specs, all components resealed, NEW bl...
Saber series Mobile shear with 360 degree rotation, 10,200 # operating weight, bracket for 2nd member/boom mount on Volvo EC290 (can be modified to fit other excavator models)., This tool has been bui...
3rd member bracket - built up, hardfaced, swivel resealed, open/close and rotation tested - no leaks., Ready to go to work., Priced to sell at $49,500....
Low Use Genesis GVP07 with shear jaw., Bolt on skid steer mount., Could mount to excavator with bracket for addt'l cost., All functions tested and working....
Rebuilt Straight GXT775 shear w/ Bracket custom built to fit machine of your choice., Current bracket is to fit Volvo EC380 2nd member/boom mount., 15,500 # operating weight....