1999 KPI CS2865
Auction Pricing

Category: Crushers / Pulverizers / Shears
Machine Name: 1999 KPI CS2865
Machine Location:Las Vegas, NV
Serial Number: 401669
Auction Info:

   Auction Info: Starting on 2025-03-21Click here to bid and see more info →

More Info: https://www.rbauction.com/1999-KPI-CS2865?invId=15354584&id=ci&auction=LAS-VEGAS-NV-2025171&utm_source=ceg1&utm_medium=syndication&utm_campaign=rba-syndication
Description: KPI 10 ft 9 in x 13 ft 4 in Vibratory Grizzly Feeder KPI CS2854 60 in x 24 in Jaw Crusher, 200 hp Drive Motor, 20 ft x 4 ft Single Deck Screen, Tri/A Carrier, Hydraulic Leveling BUYER'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR REMOVAL OF THIS ITEM ; Closing Time: 2025-03-21 10:33:52 AM
Crushers / Pulverizers / Shears
1999 KPI CS2865
Auction Pricing

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Dealer Information:
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
Las Vegas, NV
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